南宁网络推广方案_重庆招生官网_酒泉网站建设与制作_个人怎么制作公众号 Abstract

With the vigorous development of tourism, tourism websites have accumulated a large number of user and business data, and the analysis and visualization of these data become particularly important. An efficient data analysis and visualization system can reveal trends in the tourism market, optimize user experience, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of business decisions. Such systems typically include a comprehensive Dashboard that displays key performance metrics such as user activity, bookings, popular destinations, and so on in real time. Through in-depth analysis of user behavior, travel information, and market dynamics, the system can provide personalized recommendations, predict travel trends, and help managers understand user needs. The system introduction function shows users the functional scope and operation process of the platform, while the user data module allows users to manage personal information, providing a basis for further personalized services. Overall, the data analysis and visualization system of the tourism website provides a powerful decision support tool for all participants in the tourism industry through accurate data interpretation and interactive views, which greatly improves the marketing efficiency of tourism products and customer satisfaction.

The system is designed based on Python language website development technology, combined with django framework and Mysql database management system to manage the data information of tourism website. According to the software engineering theory, the design of each stage is completed, and the ability to manage the data information of the tourism website is achieved through debugging and testing. Meet the needs of management. This paper introduces the system development process, development tools, system design, system development, software testing and so on. Finally, the gains and losses of system development are summarized.

Key words: tourism; Visualization; django framework; Mysql;






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